News Tips
10 expert tips on how to choose your running or trail socks

10 expert tips on how to choose your running or trail socks

When running, on the road or on a trail, it's not just the shoes that count! Socks also play such a crucial and unexpected role.

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Communauté News
Why use special insoles when cycling?

Why use special insoles when cycling?

Say goodbye to sore feet and hello to performance with the new cycling insoles that we have developed with the Astana pro team!

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News Tips
10 tips for getting back on track after the lockdown

10 tips for getting back on track after the lockdown

For several weeks, the lockdown has reduced your physical activity to the bare minimum. Find our 10 expert tips to get back on the right foot after a few weeks...

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News Tips
The comfort of your feet at work

The comfort of your feet at work

Safety shoes, incessant stomping, uncomfortable position... Say goodbye to foot pain and hello to comfort.

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Guides News Tips
Strengthen your feet at home!

Strengthen your feet at home!

A few tips and exercises you can use to make the most of the lockdown and prepare your feet for whenever you can get back out into nature and do...

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News Tips
Get ready for hiking season!

Get ready for hiking season!

Three of our passionate ambassadors share their favourite routes and tips to make sure you have no foot pain when you're hiking.

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In the shoes of Juliette Willmann, french women's freerider

In the shoes of Juliette Willmann, french women's freerider

For her second year on the Freeride World Tour, Juliette Willmann, the rising star of French freeriding, is aiming for the top. With talent, flair and new insoles.

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News Tips
12 tips to say goodbye to painful feet in your ski boots

12 tips to say goodbye to painful feet in your ski boots

So, there is love story between you and skiing. But between your ski boots and your feet, the relationship is a little more complicated. Here are 12 tips to improve...

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News Tips
5 Trail running tips in wintertime!

5 Trail running tips in wintertime!

Running in the winter puts your feet to the test. Here are some tips to optimize your activity between the cold, the mud and the snow.

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News Tips
An insole for each sport!

An insole for each sport!

Each sport solicits your feet in a different way. Our specific insoles provide the stability, cushioning and dynamism that are right for you.

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News Tips
3 reasons to wear gel insoles at the beginning of the new school/work year

3 reasons to wear gel insoles at the beginning of the new school/work year

Going back to school or work, marks the end of the holidays for your feet too. To calmly tackle this hard return to everyday life, make the right choice of...

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News Tips
Protecting your feet on an ultra-trail

Protecting your feet on an ultra-trail

The foot is the fundamental instrument of any ultra-trailer. Here are some expert tips on preparing and protecting your feet before and during the UTMB.

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