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Shedding light on blisters when running !

Put an end to blisters when running! Shedding light on a real grey area, even though we at Sidas are more foot experts than electricians. Indeed, if all runners have already been victims of blisters, few know how to treat them, or better, avoid them! Often taken lightly, it is not uncommon for chafing to degenerate and prevent us from achieving our goal, whether it is to perform or simply to enjoy ourselves.

In this article, you will find three simple and effective protocols that we have established with our elite athletes - Hassan Chahdi, Thibaut Baronian, Baptiste Cartieaux, and Team Matryx - to prevent blisters before a race and to learn how to manage and treat them quickly once they have appeared, during and after the race.


To avoid blisters, it is first necessary to shed light on their causes.

- Moisture: This can be caused by several factors: perspiration during exercise; rainy weather conditions; or wet and slushy terrain, especially during trail running.

- Chafing: This can be caused by folds in the sock, poor stitching in the shoe, or a very repetitive movement, for a long time and with intensity.

Good to know It is important to note that not everyone is equal when it comes to blister problems. By nature, some people are born with more sensitive skin than others. Also, with experience and mileage.


Often taken lightly, it is not uncommon for blisters to degenerate...

- Into abandonment. Because it is no longer possible to run without pain.

- Infection. Because torn, raw skin is an open door to all the bacteria and other germs that swarm in your shoes.

- In injury. Because in order to limit friction, you will adapt your stride and thus compensate for your natural movement by putting unusual strain on your knees, ankles, etc.


By combining the advice of our podiatrists, experts in foot care, and the little secrets of our elite athletes, we have established two protocols for monitoring blisters:

- One protocol to learn how to prevent them before the race,

- And another protocol to learn how to manage them during the race.

You can download the document detailing these simple and effective protocols here! They will be a tremendous help to you in achieving your marathon, trail, Iron Man triathlon, UTMB, or even Diagonale des Fous goals...


A/ Before the race

1/ Pedicure, three weeks before the start.

2/Tanning, two weeks before D-day.

3/ Choose the right equipment: shoes, socks and insoles that will reduce the number of blisters.

B/ The « D-DAY »

1/ Banish the new! A golden rule.

2/ Generously apply anti-chafing cream.

3/ Avoid sock creases. A banal but formidable tip.

4/ Prevent, but not too much either. The right balance.

Don't cover your feet with multiple hydro-colloid dressings from the start, to prevent possible rubbing.

5/ Take meticulous care of your lacing.


1/ Stop for two minutes, then start again. Rather than never finishing.

“It's better to lose a few minutes to treatment than to give up two hours later!”

2/ React immediately to the first signs of rubbing.

Apply a Silitene protection for this purpose or our Toe Cap Gels

3/ Let the experts do their job.

On a race, self-medication is the quickest way to go if you want to head straight for the exit.

4/ Never pierce a blister alone.

Otherwise, you run the risk of aggravating it or even causing it to become infected.

5/ Manage your refuelling as if it were a pit stop.

This means that changing your socks and shoes will do your feet and head a world of good!


Once you've crossed the finish line, here are our tips for recovering your feet as quickly as possible!

1/ Learn from your mistakes. And apply protocol 1 to never experience such discomfort again.

2/ Put your feet in an ice bath. A blister is an inflammation, so confronting it with cold will help reduce it.

3/ Disinfect.

4/ Let your feet breathe. Opt for our recovery flip-flops.

5/ Reward your feet! To take care of them, we suggest Cryo Gel to moisturise them and the Blackroll to massage them.

Find the advice and anecdotes of our athletes: Thibaut Baronian, Elise Poncet (member of Team Matryx), Hassan Chahdi, Baptiste Cartieaux in the complete guide. You will finally be able to get rid of blisters and enjoy your races to the fullest.